Friday, November 27, 2009

Learning 2.0 Discovery 16 AKA The End

Well, the Shire has been scoured, Saruman killed on our very own doorstep, bittersweet endings doled out to all, and now Learning 2.0 stands by the water at the Grey Havens preparing to head into the West... The CityLibraries Learning 2.0 program is winding down.

Personally, I enjoyed the exposure to things I mightn't have tried out otherwise, even (or especially) those I considered an abomination (I'm looking at you, Facebook). Tackling them with a degree of unity of time and purpose helped give a glimpse of the bigger picture of the ways in which social networking tools are being used now, and how they might be used soon, and very specifically that we can't afford to ignore them because they are being used, and by a great many of the very people we want to bring within our sphere of service. I must admit, I was also studying information literacy while doing Learning 2.0, so elements of the program plugged nicely into that.

The downside of the program was probably time, lack of -- but that's the downside of most anything you try to do these days. Sometimes I needed to remind myself that it was worthwhile scratching up some time because the program made genuinely useful additions to my customer service skill set. After all, our customers are also discovering this stuff, and they expect our help with it, and it's far from ideal if the best you can do is look embarrassed and say, "What is this thing you call... Face. Book?"

It's not that we went particularly deeply into any of the tools or services we covered, but it was enough to provide a sketch map for further exploration.

Now it's just a matter of incorporating this stuff into my daily life, my interests and hobbies, to move beyond "discovering" it and into using it as it's meant to be used.

Learning 2.0 Discovery 15

Like the villain from a horror movie who hasn't been slaughtered the requisite number of times to stay dead, Learning 2.0 returns to menace us with... thoughts on the relevance of mobile telephones to libraries.

Specifically, the exercise asks the Learning 2.0ers to add to their blog a single service a library could provide using mobile telephones.

The obvious one is notices via SMS. Not, perhaps, overdue notices. Somehow nagging about overdue books via SMS seems just a little clingy to me... just a little "I won't be ignored, Michael..." But I can definitely see the utility of texting reservation notices. People are busier than ever, so the immediacy of text allows them to find a way to fit picking up their reservations into their day.

But eschewing the obvious, I suggest a nice service for libraries to provide utilizing mobile telephones would be a "who writes like" app (or even a boring old webpage optimized for mobiles) allowing someone to tap in the name of their favourite author and be presented with a reservable list of authors held in the library's collection who'll also likely tickle their fancy.

Failing that... an app which monitors its owner's voice for volume and duration, and above a certain level emits a loud, "Shhhh!"

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I didn't realize how long that last post was until I posted it. (1600 words, for the curious, so that's a short story I won't be writing this weekend.)

Finishing Up Learning 2.0

With the PLA/QPLA conference upon us, the Learning 2.0 program is also drawing to an end. I'm several light years away from having finished the fourteen "discovery" activities so far posted on the CityLibrariesLearning blog. Time has been the problem. Not nearly enough of it. When each day is a rush to get just the fundamentals accomplished, and you're behind on practically everything you're trying to get done, it's easy to put off this sort of self-paced training because ignorance usually has a negligible short term cost -- no matter how it clobbers you in the long term.

So, still intending to finish the activities but having run out of all other time, it becomes a weekend project.

For purposes of organizing the attack, I'm stealing the approach used by Susan on her weblog : I'll gather all the activities into this single post, recapping the earlier, completed ones, but otherwise just dabbling in the later activities and posting a few thoughts about them.

Discovery 1. Blogging. You're soaking in it. Beginning this blog and maintaining it (if I may be allowed a loose definition of "maintaining") probably counts towards finishing this discovery. I had actually blogged before, and a little more devotedly back then, but this was the first time I'd used the blog for work-related activities.

Blogging is certainly fun, and I imagine I'll continue doing it in some for or another, but in the library context I think it's more useful for those who are promoting particular activities, such as Jodie's book club weblog, or the blog for the PLA/QPLA conference. In my position, I suspect it makes dull and non-informative reading.

Discovery 2. Twitter. Well, I did sign up for Twitter, and Tweeted away for awhile. I'd avoided Twitter for a long time, as I'm one of those people who'd imagined it was just an endless swamp composed of the reeking minutiae of strangers' lives. But it proved not as bad as I'd feared. It's a nice tool for networking with folk of similar interests, and I can imagine it being quite useful within a library context for provision of customer service, and even building relationships with your customer base.

Although I eventually gave up on using Twitter (mostly because of a lack of time), I did think it interesting that, during the initial phase when a few library staff were doing it, there was very distinctly a channel of communication there that was being missed by those who weren't using Twitter.

Discovery 3. Web 2.0 and Library 2.0. Hmm, well, I did work through the information provided in the original discovery post, but didn't end up with time to post, so linked instead.

Giving the subject a paragraph now, I would have to say that I think Web 2.0 is a fascinating inevitability. It's something new under the sun, linking vast numbers of people and giving them tools and skills and information to explore their creativity individually and in groups. Heaven knows what the human race will do with all this.

Library 2.0 seems an equally inevitable development of Web 2.0. If the world is gathering in cyberspace and we don't meet them there, then what's the point of us? Would we even deserve to survive as a service if we didn't try to meet them there? But, happily, we are trying, and I think it makes for very exciting times for the information service industry.

Discovery 4. RSS. Covered, I think, in my original post on the subject. I'd used RSS before, and will continue to use it. It's such an effective way to keep up with news and information.

Discovery 5. Flickr. Now Flickr was one of the web services I just didn't take to -- as I mentioned in the original post on this exercise. At heart, I'm not very image-oriented. Right now, I don't even own a camera that isn't wired into a mobile telephone. I did sign up for an account, and poked around the site, but won't likely spend much time there.

Discovery 6. Mashups. See discovery 5. No matter how much I appreciate a clever or funny mashup created by someone else, it's just not something that engages my creative side. My mashup gene is simply missing.

Discovery 7. Tagging. Already familiar with tagging, of course, as it's built into a lot of the web services already covered in the exercises (and numerous others, such as Amazon and Library Thing). But I did enjoy Wordle -- how could you not? What I like best about tagging is that it tends to be very intuitive. Tags reflect the way people actually think about concepts much more closely than more formal subject categories sometimes do.

Discovery 8. Keeping Track. Bookmarking sites. CityLibrariesLearning covered only two, Delicious and Digg. I did create an account with Delicious, and liked it well enough that I'll continue using it. Web-based bookmarks are universal -- it's great to be able to access you favourites whether you're at home or work -- and Delicious makes it easier by having a couple of Firefox add-ons.

Digg, on the other hand, annoyed me by crashing Firefox when I tried to join, then not working in Internet Explorer when I felt compelled to open that and try again. I'm sure it's great in principle. Maybe one day I'll try again and discover that it's a miracle of modern technology. But I'm not tempted to troubleshoot just for the privilege of joining up, I'm afraid.

Discovery 9. Communicating Online. Instant Messaging, SMS and web conferencing. I've used IM extensively enough. It's a very engaging tool (and a terrible time waster if you're online to do something and a friend happens to come online and IMs you). SMS also. Web conferencing, not so much: I'm one of the last surviving humans who connects to the Internet via dial-up, so you can imagine why.

All three strike me as great library tools: particularly regarding the provision on reference services. If one of the concepts of Library 2.0 is meeting your customers where they are, well, they would seem to accomplish that. Web conferencing, in particular, seems to have a lot of potential for providing lifelong learning services without stressing the library's physical space.

For communication between staff, I think it be very hand, solving the problem of trying to locate staff members who may be anywhere in a multi-branch library system.

Discovery 10. Online Collaboration - Wikis. It's clear wikis enable the relatively rapid pooling of skills and knowledge of numerous people, but have to balance edit-access against reliability. But they have undeniable uses. I love Wikipedia as a first-pass tool when I'm researching something. It gives you the search terms to look elsewhere for more reliable information. In the workplace, I also favour using wikis for things like procedure and policy manuals (for speed and ease of creation and updating).

Discovery 11. Online Collaboration - Online Docs & More. Online applications are pretty terrific. I'd used Google Docs before and completely forgotten about it until logging in and seeing a couple of saved documents. Again, the appeal of these tools is their universality. We get a lot of people in the library wanting to open documents urgently but unable to because they created it in a more up-to-date version of their word processor than we have on our PCs. Online applications may help there.

But I do wonder about the privacy of documents passing backwards and forwards over the web. Also, as a writer, I'm not sure I trust the terms of service of some of these services where intellectual property is concerned. (Paranoia, possibly, but there it is.)

Discovery 12. Web Video. Okay, love YouTube. Love it that people can post video to the web and that it seems to have created a whole underground free entertainment industry. But, as mentioned, last surviving dial-up user, here, so with the best will in the world I'm not able to do much with this activity. I do have a YouTube account, and I've used it, but I have to be pretty motivated to invest the download time.

Of course, it's easy to see how this can be used in libraries. We're already working on a skill database to put people who need skills in touch with people who have them: how much better to have a database of YouTube style videos demonstrating those skills, or teaching them.

Discovery 13. Social Networking. I have a visceral horror of social networking sites. Facebook is my Cthulhu. Still, in the interests of Learning 2.0 I did sign up. Checked out a couple of groups and friended some people before being overcome by the squamous nightmare of it all. Okay, I get it. I get why people sign up, I see that libraries might find it useful for building relationships with their customers. But I'd rather bathe in spiders than use Facebook. Ick. Brr. Ugh. (Added later: I may be mellowing towards Facebook. Time will tell.)

And, unless a new activity materializes next week, lastly... Discovery 14. Online Databases. Used them. Love them. Love everything about them. So much interesting information, free. And alerts, how brilliant are they? It's like subscribing to an infinite number of magazines, but without the delayed gratification of snail mail. Brilliant.

So... that's more or less that.

All up, Learning 2.0 was definitely worth doing, for all the difficulty in finding time to squeeze it in. There were web tools I would never have tried out if not following the program (Twitter, Flickr, Facebook, I'm looking at you). Some of them I'll go on using, others maybe not. There's been the practical benefit that I've been able to help customers with some of these things now, where before I'd have had to apologize and send them on to someone else.

But I am glad to have finished it off. It's no longer a nagging voice at the back of my mind saying, "You're neglecting this... you're letting this slide..."

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Training... and More Learning 2.0

Today the library gathered its staff who are, in one capacity or another, engaged in library-related study and offered training in the use of electronic databases. The emphasis was in using the databases to study more effectively.

It was a low-key but terrific session, and I suspect everyone involved learned at least something to help them in their studies. There's a time saving factor in arranging for the library's experts to address various questions only once, rather than repeatedly for each student -- but it's also quite interesting to see the library playing to its Lifelong Learning strengths on behalf of skilling up its own staff. More sessions are planned, apparently, covering various study and library-related skills, and I think that's a very good thing.

Once all enthused about learning, it seemed a natural progression to spend some time with the library's Learning 2.0 program, through which I am working very slowly.

Not much time, today, so I simply returned to Delicious to have a bit of a poke around. Delicious I like, to the point where I could waste rather too much time on it if I weren't very careful. And it's a useful site, given the way it allows you to accumulate bookmarks for use on any of the computers you regularly use. This will be one of the tools I use.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Playing Catch-up in Learning 2.0

I've allowed myself to fall way behind in the Library's Learning 2.0 program, mainly because the Flickr and mashup discoveries were simply not my thing.

Flickr looks great to me in theory; I can see why those who love it love it, but I'm not someone who works with photographs or images. Even to play around with Flickr would mean I'd have to use other people's images, or copyright-free images from the web, and without that connection through personal interest, there's just no point.

Mashups, on the other hand, leave my creativity completely cold. I can't explain why. I've seen mashups and mashup tools that strike me as clever or funny, but I don't feel the slightest urge to do it myself. My creativity tends to express itself through language, and it's pretty stubborn about not showing up at parties where it doesn't enjoy the music.

However, after talking it over with fellow Learning 2.0er Ducky, I felt sufficiently guilty that I dragged myself out onto the Learning 2.0 path in a bid to catch up.

I signed up for Flickr, uploaded a photograph, toyed with a few tools, and concluded that I did, in fact, not enjoy it at all. Happy to pick up a few skills to share with customers, happy to use Flickr in the workplace if it ever comes to that, but most probably won't use it for myself.

Mashups, weeelll... I re-read the discovery post, contemplated it all for awhile, and conclude that no, that's not where I want to be putting my creative energy. At present, I'm short-changing those areas of my life that deserve as much creative energy as I have, so I can't justify to myself spending time in a creative area that doesn't meant anything to me. (Sorry, Learning 2.0 program.)

Tagging interests me more, since it's a means of keeping track of things, or organizing the daily deluge of information. For now, I contented myself with retagging the posts to this blog.

Leaving the delicious and digg activities (but practically no time left in the afternoon to do much with them). Both sound terrific. In the end, I signed up for both, and I'll play around with them on another day.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


After having now received a great deal of help in the way of research and organisation tips from another librarian I work with (thank you Leftwinglibrarian) I find myself consumed with pity for people who have to study something without being surrounded by librarians. After all, what they don't know they know very precisely how to find out.

Of course, thanks to the existence of actual libraries, everyone does have access to librarians, but I suspect people don't use them nearly as much as they could, or should, and many would be astounded by what a difference they can make to things like research or study.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Free Online Databases

As study is compelling (erm, inspiring) me to expand my information literacy, I've just cornered our Corporate Librarian, Nina, and asked for a hand selecting professional journals for regular reading.

Nina gave me a very thorough introduction to the free online databases provided by CityLibraries Townsville and the State Library of Queensland (accessible to staff and patrons through the SLQ website and our own website).

Of course I knew of the existence of our online databases, and I'd used them very occasionally for simple searches. But having a highly skilled professional give you a guided tour -- and more than a little instruction on how to search -- just made me think these databases are an absolute hidden gem.

Among other things, they provide full-text articles from hundreds of encyclopediae, newspapers, journals and magazines covering the entire gamut of human knowledge, fully searchable, with the ability to set up e-mail alerts and RSS feeds to subjects of interest.

After demonstrating how to use all this to easily take care of keeping my information literacy current, Nina then showed me how to use the databases (particularly ProQuest Science, available through SLQ) to research for purposes of writing or pursuing a hobby, and again the amount of good, reliable, searchable information available (full-text or abstract, with a number of options for setting up alerts) was simply breath-taking.

Which is to say to my colleagues if, like me, you haven't explored our free online databases, do and, if you do, Nina is a supremely skilled and cheerful guide.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Catching Up... Or Not...

Well, finally scratching up some time to return to... well... everything. Week before last (and a little of last week) I was pretty sick, and let everything drop. Didn't write, didn't study, didn't keep up with the Learning 2.0 program (or read or eat or much else).

That was then, this is now. Catching up seemed as if it should be easy -- but it's not as if the world stands still. Backlogs grow, and work has been busy. Learning 2.0 can be hard when each day ends with the basics barely addressed.

I have gotten around to rewriting the rejected story and sending it off elsewhere (to Beneath Ceaseless Skies, for the curious), and I've gnawed at the bones of the final assessment of my current subject, and I've at least read through the posts I'd missed at CityLibrariesLearning -- working through the discoveries likely to take me awhile.

Why is there never enough time?

Friday, June 5, 2009

CityLibrariesLearning RSS

The CityLibrariesLearning RSS activity is up, providing a bit of information about RSS and encouraging us to choose a reader and subscribe to a few feeds.

To the extent that I use RSS at home, I use an excellent Firefox add-on called NewsFox. Doing without at work felt like a bit of a hardship. Still, I elected to use My Yahoo! as my reader, to subscribe to the feeds of some of the blogs from our Learning 2.0 program.

The first thing that leapt out was that none of the blogs seemed to have RSS links or buttons anywhere on them (again, I'm used to Firefox displaying available RSS automatically in the URL bar). It took a disgracefully long time for me to realize that adding /feed/ to the blog's URL made it into that blog's feed URL. Then I thought I'd better take a moment to add a link to my own blog to spare other's the suffering (not that the audience is there, but, you know, that's not the point).

(Fellow confused Learning 2.0 people, can find help at Neal's Analog is Here blog.)

Still, minor frustrations aside, I did enjoy the exposure to other RSS readers, and I probably will keep using My Yahoo! for work-related feeds just for its convenience. The hard part is trying not to feel old simply because I still kind of prefer Usenet (a kind of social network popular during the Bronze Age)...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


One of my short stories was just rejected (specifically, the first submission of the first story I wrote after deciding to get my writing back on track).

Not the depressing experience it could have been. This rejection was in response to a rewrite request, and it was extremely kind and constructive, so a "good" rejection. Given that this was the first of my new attempts, I find the result heartening. Not as heartening as a sale, of course, but still not remotely soul-destroying.

Despite having a bit of a time shortage at the moment, I know I need to get more out there -- so I'll naturally send this one on to someone else as soon as possible, and get some new things out there as well. The goal becomes having enough out at one time that individual rejections don't... matter as much.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Head Slap

I did forget to spend some time doing a Web 2.0 related post for my library's Learning 2.0 program (though truthfully I don't think I'd have gotten to it anyway). But I've decided to abate my onus by mentioning a couple of almost relevant comments on LibSusan's Blog, one of them a typo-ridden double-posting for extra added idiocy.


I decided to make this weekend all about leisure. Frankly, I needed the break. While I did (and do) have a very long list of things I ought to be doing, I have just spent two days twiddling my mental thumbs in whatever way delighted me. Reading (Something Fishy, The Lies of Locke Lamora, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing For Young Adults, and the terrifying introductory chapters of Italian Verbs For Dummies), a little writing in a carefree, non-achieving kind of way, a bit of old-fashioned idle net-surfing.

Non-productive in the most extreme way, if you don't count the it's-never-wasted aspect of reading. But I do feel better for it. (I'll pay next week, but that's future-me's problem.

And yes, this is a non-post, a bit of froth, a place holder. It's just been that kind of weekend...

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I’ve just finished reading Something Fishy by P.G. Wodehouse. Not his full genius, but still funnier than most everything else. A Wodehouseian couple tangle romantically, unaware that they are participants in a decades-old tontine that will deliver $1000,000 to the last in their circle to get married… but even sillier than that makes it sound.

Next on the reading list… Nothing Serious by P.G. Wodehouse.

Yes, I’m a Wodehouse fan. Everyman’s Library has been releasing nice collector’s hardcovers of Wodehouse’s entire output, a couple each month, for years, and I own the lot. But I ration reading them to forestall the day when I run out of them.

Starting Afresh

Well, I've had a bit of a play with this blog, and I find I like it well enough that I'll keep it and slowly knock it into shape.

More than that, I'm going to collide a couple of different interests here that I'd previously kept separate.

First and foremost it's going to be a writing blog. I write when I can, fantasy or science fiction depending on my mood, short stories for the most part. I've had a few things published in the Australian science fiction magazine Aurealis and the Doctor Who anthology Short Trips: Transmissions.

For a long time there I just let my writing drift, not doing much about it, but recently, inexplicably seemed to find my second (or third, possibly fourth) wind. How that progresses I'll record here.

Now, I'm also a member of staff at a public library, working towards my library diploma, and currently participating in a Learning 2.0 program run by that library. The program aims to bring staff up to speed on Web 2.0 tools. There are activities to perform, little bits of fun playing around with the technologies, and part of that is keeping a related blog. I'll be doing that here as well.

Thirdly, it'll just be a plain old blog, with odd bits of ranting and reviewing and, who knows, photographs of pets.

First Post

This is only an introductory post to provide me with an anchor for testing and formatting so, just for now, look away...