Today the library gathered its staff who are, in one capacity or another, engaged in library-related study and offered training in the use of electronic databases. The emphasis was in using the databases to study more effectively.
It was a low-key but terrific session, and I suspect everyone involved learned at least something to help them in their studies. There's a time saving factor in arranging for the library's experts to address various questions only once, rather than repeatedly for each student -- but it's also quite interesting to see the library playing to its Lifelong Learning strengths on behalf of skilling up its own staff. More sessions are planned, apparently, covering various study and library-related skills, and I think that's a very good thing.
Once all enthused about learning, it seemed a natural progression to spend some time with the library's Learning 2.0 program, through which I am working very slowly.
Not much time, today, so I simply returned to Delicious to have a bit of a poke around. Delicious I like, to the point where I could waste rather too much time on it if I weren't very careful. And it's a useful site, given the way it allows you to accumulate bookmarks for use on any of the computers you regularly use. This will be one of the tools I use.
3 days ago